Dhadi San is a word in the Balinese language that means “dadi sajan” or “very allowed,” implying that this alcoholic beverage is permitted to be consumed. Additionally, the word “Dhadi” may also come from the term “Daddy,” which represents a father figure who is not only involved biologically but also participates in raising his child until adulthood. On the other hand, the word “San” originates from “Son,” referring to a male child. In Bali, there is a belief that male children become “purusa” (successors of lineage) and are capable of carrying out the customs and obligations of the Balinese Hindu people.
For the Balinese community, it is not just about having children; it is also about having grandchildren that hold great importance. This belief is rooted in the notion that the grandchild will later assist their grandfather in attaining Heaven or Nirvana (understandings that influence Hindu traditions). This can be seen in the expression “I cucu nyupat I kaki” (the grandchild saves the grandfather). The myth of Jaratkaru further strengthens this belief. In the myth, it is recounted how Jaratkaru meets his ancestors who were on the verge of falling into hell. The spirits of his ancestors said to Jaratkaru, “This is the consequence of my disconnection from the atman world. Now, I am hanging onto a bamboo stick, almost falling into hell. The existence of this bamboo stick is because I actually have a descendant named Jaratkaru, but he wishes not to marry (a brahmacari).”
Upon hearing this, Jaratkaru replied, “There is a path for you to go to heaven. Do not hesitate or fear; I will stop living as a brahmacari. I will marry and have children.” This story illustrates the crucial role that descendants play in the lives of parents, both in the mortal world and the afterlife. This means that for the Balinese people, having offspring is important. Therefore, it is not surprising that every couple in a Balinese family hopes to have children soon after entering married life. For the Balinese community, a male child holds a significantly important role compared to a female child. Thus, the issue does not stop at the prospect of having descendants but also extends to the consideration of the child’s gender.
A male child is responsible for taking care of their parents when they are no longer able to work and for upholding customary laws. However, they are also granted inheritance rights, whereas female children are not entitled to it because after marriage, they enter their husband’s family and are released from the responsibilities imposed on male children. This demonstrates that besides cultural expectations, having children also provides psychological satisfaction for married couples. Additionally, having children serves the purpose of continuing the lineage and fulfilling the mandate of God/Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
Thus, the name Dhadi San is inspired by the trade name of Arak Salak Sibetan Karangasem – Bali.