Arak Bali Cocktail


Governor Koster successfully introduced Arak Bali at the Groundwater Summit 2022 held in UNESCO Paris.

Delegates from several countries enthusiastically enjoyed Arak Bali and expressed their satisfaction with its unique taste, considering it delicious and of high quality. They praised the extensive selection and rarity of such a flavorful cocktail party, leading to long queues. Some delegates even requested additional servings of Arak Bali and directly inquired with Governor Wayan Koster about the availability of this Bali specialty, noting down the brand and contact information of the Arak Bali trademarks presented at the cocktail party. The event featured 14 Arak Bali brands, including Baliku Wine, Baliku Brandy, Bumbung, Dewan, 31 Buana, Selaka Ning, Sajeng Tamiang, Cempaga, Wanara Petak, Sajeng Patala, Balista, Dadisan, Deawa, and Iwak Original.


During his speech, Governor Wayan Koster conveyed to the delegates of the Groundwater Summit 2022 that Bali has a unique beverage called Arak Bali, made from natural ingredients (coconut, palm sap, and lontar palm), processed through traditional distillation, which is both healthy and of high quality, comparable to beverages from other countries such as Japanese Sake, Korean Soju, and European Whiskey. Arak Bali is a cultural heritage of Bali’s elders and has been a livelihood source for generations in the villages. Previously, Arak Bali could not be traded, causing difficulties for the community. Recognizing the challenges faced by Arak Bali farmers, Governor Wayan Koster issued a policy regulated by Governor Regulation No. 1 of 2020 concerning the Management of Bali’s Fermentation/Distillation Beverages, leading to the rapid development of Arak Bali and its processed products from 2022 onwards, fostering Arak Bali entrepreneurs and contributing to the local economy.


Governor Wayan Koster, hailing from Sembiran Village, patiently and attentively served the delegates, pouring and presenting Arak Bali while providing explanations to delegates from various countries. Tos Arak Bali successfully enlivened the atmosphere at the Groundwater Summit 2022, showcasing Bali’s hospitality as the host of the upcoming 10th World Water Forum in 2024.


The Cocktail Party event was accompanied by Balinese gamelan music and Balinese dancers from the Indonesian diaspora in Paris, with many dancers and musicians being foreigners, along with a special performance by Balinese artist/musician Gus Teja, who entertained the delegates and added to the warm and festive ambiance.


During the meeting, local Balinese products such as Bali coffee and various Balinese snacks were also served during breaks, inviting the delegates to enjoy them, which was met with enthusiastic applause from the delegates of various countries.


The event was also attended by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to France, Andorra, Monaco, as well as the Permanent Delegation of Indonesia to UNESCO, Mohamad Oemar, the President of the World Water Council, Loïc Fauchon, the Minister of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia, Siti Nurbaya, and the Governors’ Council of the World Water Council.
